Strength in Body & Mind
Hello, my name is Slav, I'm a founder and Owner of One Step Closer & CbdFit.
I'm a personal trainer, online coach and a fitness coach for over a decade, recruiting clients and working with them to reach their goals and maintain motivation & discipline. I have a track record in retaining clients on a long-term basis with solid results.
I have experience in weight loss, weight training, Martial arts - Thai Boxing, BJJ, MMA, circuit and HIIT training, group fitness , triathlon, strength & conditioning and resistance training.
Over a decade experience in fitness and nutrition industry. I'm a professional - level 2 and level 3 qualified chef too.
I specialise in strength & conditioning, martial arts, mental fitness & toughness. Weight, resistance & endurance Training.
I'm BJJ British Open Champion, 25 times BJJ medallist, Ironman Triathlete , ultramarathon Runner, several marathons Finisher as well as 100s of shorter distance running, swimming & Triathlon events. I also competed in Thai Boxing, MMA, obstacle runs to mention only a few. I hold enhanced DBS check which allows me to work with children, teenagers as well as adults.
I hold quite a few Qualifications of which most I practise with clients or myself on daily basis, currently in yoga level 3 course -
- fitness instructor
- personal trainer
- Nutrition Diploma
- Naturopath Diploma
- Massage Therapist
- Clinical Weight Loss Coach
- Raw Food Diploma
- Cbd & cannabis diploma
- Pilates Instructor
- Self-defence instructor
- Boxing/ pad work for fitness coach
- Kettlebell instructor
- Mix Martial Arts for fitness Instructor
Currently in Yoga level 3 course.
Sport and fitness literally saved my life. Twice as a matter of fact .
First time at the beginning of my 'escape from addictions, anxiety & Street life journey' in 2006. Second time, when I was fighting for life in 2021 going through near death experience twice, fighting with severe & sepsis shock for weeks .
I've coped with addictions, anxiety, depression, PTSD as well as health conditions like asthma, heart failure, immune system.
I came to UK in 2006 with nothing but suitcase full of CVs and £70, and built up my current life by hard work. Slowly , day by day starting from zero. Fitness was my mental escape from beginning. Together with CBD supplements, helped me go through really tough & challenging years. I'm a father of two, husband, godfather and 2 businesses Owner, going through life the way I want, always looking for positives in not always positive situations. I enjoy my trainings and competitions - it's my time. I love traveling and good food as well as spending time with kids and observing their own paths in life.
When I first started I would never thought I'd achieve what I achieved. I got hooked up and over last 15 years I went from weight lifter to strongman to bodybuilder to mma fighter, muay thay & Brazilian Jiu jitsu fighter to eventually ultra runner and IRONMAN. I have changed my body composition and shape many times, tried all 'diets' and different approaches, had few cage & ring fights. Competed in almost 30 BJJ tournaments always bringing a medal, to include British Open gold. I have done several ultra runs, tens of marathons and half marathons and I'm a several Finisher of Ironman and smaller distance triathlons. All those medals, trophies, six packs, toned pecs & quads and heavy PBs in powerlifting are great & awesome but the biggest win for me is the mental health state and that's what I'm trying to help people with too.
My main background is martial arts & weight training and my biggest strength as a personal trainer & fitness instructor, on top of above, is mental fitness conditioning, confidence boost and ability to help to believe, then achieve.
Currently I offer following services
- Online Coaching
- Personal & group training
- Fitness Classes
- Home visits personal training
- Outdoor personal and group training
- Prep meals
- Running, training & meal plans
- Cbd supplements