Now the dust has settled, time for a little (🤣) race report.
This is 💯 my favourite triathlon.Everyone does it all for different reasons, for me - I'm not there to win but also not to just finish, I'm there to push as hard as I can under current circumstances. To face challenges and demons, to prove I'm better, strong & capable. I'm doing it because it is who I am and I recognise how massive of an impact it all have on my life.

Absolutely smashing day it was. Well organised from beginning, all on time, everyone friendly and helpful. @the roc team smash!
First thing in the morning we all racked up our bikes and went on the sunny beach 🏖 😍
You start the race at lovely Abersoch Beach with a single loop swim in the sea bay. Water looked so calm and clear, just asking 'get in'! Couldn't wait! Swim went smooth, I am getting better considering it's only second season I swim front crawl only - few lessons at Sportstest helped a lot . Water was so clear I've seen crabs walking down beneath me. No rush, always treat the swim as a warm up, nice and smooth even though sometimes 'fighting' with legs and elbows of other swimmers , just over 31minAS always took my time in transition with a visit at portaloo too😉The T1 is just like 100m away from out-the-swim. Off on bike I go. Hydration, banana, Gels. Stunning little 50k ride with amazing views and around 340m climb. Route is absolutely stunning. You ride along sea, then lakes, then rivers and waterfalls and mountains.You could start feeling the heat so hydration was a priority. Well marshalled route, I'd say rolling so not much leg rest. Went smooth although 4min slower than last year - training was so much more restricted this year due to health. It was around 10.25am when I got to that T2 transition at the bottom of Snowdon.You find water, gels, snacks, bananas there, easy set up.Already hot.. Few people pulled out already. Changed into hike HOKA speedgoat, put some CbdFit warming up recovery cream all over legs and Up to the summit we go! Views were stunning again , path challenging, weather beautiful (for holiday not hiking / running 🤣) Still I loved it! Quite busy, a lot of tourists and other competitors, everyone cheering and friendly though. No issues whatsoever! About 3k in is when legs started feeling it. Lack of proper training could be felt now and I knew it'll be challenging. . Electrolytes & fueling + water was a main focus, I know my mind will take me through it as long as body won't give up. Maja actually asked me after the race if at any point I wanted to quit, I told her 'your dad is different, when things get harder, I enjoy them more and rather than think about quiting I push harder to get to that finish line sooner, no quiting in me unless things go south!' Was great to see Matthew Harte coming down strong and giving a nice sweaty hug. Lovely to see @pete and still smiling Richard Felgate high fiving too. First 2-3k is fine, then it gets steeper, stairs getting bigger and finally towards the end it's all little and big rocks climb . Watkin Path. As we go path gets harder and steeper and about 5k in I felt the well known feeling of #AFib and #svt episode. Learned how to recognise it now. Weird, flutter feeling in chest, blood rushing to head then lack of oxygen, dizziness. Sat down straight away, started breathing techniques, drank water and HR jumped out to 188bpm only ( it used to be 220/230bpm)and calmed down after about 2minFrom now on I kept a close eye on it. Finally got to the summit! Few photos and a lunch break just to put thoughts together and rest legs a bit. More Electrolytes & water, few chats and off I go down! 'Sprinting' first 1k or so like a goat down them rocks feeling strong until not 🙈🤣 - another flutters in a chest, looked at the watch and see its spiking up. Little break, it settled and off I go again just to be stopped by horrible inner thigh cramps, first right then left leg. Horrible, can't even stretch it . Took like a good 10min to ease up ( thanks to the lad who stopped and shared some salt tablets with me and all who stopped and asked why I'm swearing so much 🤣) Eventually Just got up and although cramps still there began to jogg down, nice and steady now . About 3k down spotted Joanna Dombek climbing up. Bless her. Little pep talk (helped both of us) and sent her up towards checkpoint.. It did me good, that little break as finally found my pace and as path getting less steep I'm jogging more steady. Got to the little river not far from the bottom and jump in there having little cold water therapy. My legs and back loved it! Jogging back down, right at the bottom I hear Maja Sunshine Wojcik & Marlena Wojcik with Simon Stnkv &Nicola cheering On. That was nice and needed.T2Quick transition, refill, repack, regroup, refuel, rehydration, back on bike. Legs cramping straight away. But I'm like fuck it, same happened at Bolton, just keep peddling! Head wind aint making things easier too. Took a good 15km before legs stopped cramping so much, didn't remember those little ascends were there too 🤣 My support team overtaking me shouting through the Simons car's windows. Like it wasn't hard enough bike's chain came off and stuck inbetween rings 🙈 had to stop but then I think it did me good again as after that I caught second wind and finally picked the proper pace, starting overtaking other riders.. Got to the end 😊Weather still beautiful, people still friendly. Transition took seconds, running trainers on and let's go to finish this with 1k run on sand. Beach was Full And everyone cheering on. It was nice. Got to the flag, turned around and didn't even know when I was crossing that finish line! What an event! What a day! What a buzz! 🔥
Thanks the roc triathlon team for organising and delivering. Thanks all supporters. The photographer who helped too. Thanks @Beach view Caravan Site for making our stay smooth & easy.
I'm chuffed and blessed I managed to start and finish this emotional for me race ( last year's Roc Wales was the first big event post sepsis). Few months ago I was convinced I wouldn't do nothing big this year as couldnt train much due to health playing around with me. Couldn't run without getting breathless or without heart episodes then my old knee injury kicked in and also slipped L5 disc End of last year, the injury that is annoyingly coming on & off. But I've just kept going, kept trying and here I am 😊

On to the next one..